She also liked these other green things...

I don't quite get it, personally, I prefer to sniff, run into the hedgerows and chase those flappy,feathery creatures that make funny noises.
I've not seen much of Chip recently but he's been on his holidays too. Here we are barking a greeting to each other. It is the polite thing to do...
Since I've been back, we've been going to the usual places, here are the lakes... and in case you are wondering...I'm also still practicing my water skills

I can even run on water!
I'm still good at swimming. This is on the other side of my favourite lake...a bit deeper with lots of exciting things in the reeds...

It was also good that Nature provided me with a snack of blackberries, I get so hungry after my swim...
Pack leader is not happy that I like the paper in her office and promised me some more exciting things to do...
Sadly she didn't take my photo (because I was so quick) but I tried my paw at Agility training... it was so exciting that I had to sleep it off...for three hours!
Love, Rosie x
I very like this.image