This is the tale of hurt paw. On Christmas day I came back from my walk and my paw was bleeding. It was not fun. Even though I licked it, there was no improvement. It was so bad that my packleader took me to the V-E-T. They had to operate....

I am now sporting a beautiful festive bandage that is quite tasty but I'm not allowed to lick it. I've had a few bandages already. The dark blue one I ate and it was replaced with the green one. They put cinnamon anti lick strips on but I got rid of those sharpish with my teeth.

You can see it under my Beckham boot. This boot looks cool but it wasn't waterproof (I could have told my packleader that). So the green bandage was replaced with the red one.

Meantime, whenever I try to start licking my foot better they put me in this thing...the cone of shame. Hopefully only 5 more days to go. In the meantime, I've been walking the streets on a can they do this to me!
Rosie x
She looked completely bewildered by the cone of shame...