An early misty, murky morning near the lakes. There was a large fox running through the undergrowth here. Of course Rosie rolled in fox poo!

But the view was gorgeous

Of course some mornings aren't so lovely...especially after the rain. I nearly lost a welly boot in the mud that morning, and discovered that my waterproof - isn't. The good thing is that there comes a point when you can't get any wetter. I'd still like a proper waterproof for Christmas, though...
I would not have discovered half of these places if it wasn't for my friends.

The evening walks are also good, usually just Rosie and I alone. Apart from the mild anxiety that she won't come back to be put on the lead (she can manage a launch for a treat and jump away at remarkable speed), we have a fun time. She is changing from being a small puppy to a young lady, getting a bit more mischievous and disobedient, especially on sofa jumping.
Look at these gorgeous colours - no they are not photo-shopped.
Behind every cloud...
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